Comprehensive Guide to Vedic Astrology Nakshatras: Positive and Negative Impacts Explained with Examples

In Vedic astrology, Nakshatras are lunar constellations that play a significant role in determining an individual’s characteristics, behaviors, and life events. Each Nakshatra has its own set of influences, both positive and negative.

The quality of Naskshatra will reflect on the Karaka of the house where it’s positioned. Similarly, if the lord sits in a particular Nakshatra, then it will also show the same effect.

Below is a list of all 27 Nakshatras, along with their good and bad impacts and examples to illustrate these influences.

1. Ashwini (0°00’ – 13°20’ Aries, Lord: Ketu)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Energetic and dynamic
    • Quick healers and problem solvers
    • Leadership qualities
    • Go-getter
    • Take Stand (Based on the house)
    • Travel a lot
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Impulsive and hasty
    • Restlessness and impatience
  • Extra Information:
    • Connected to Mother, Mother will help in need, and the blessing of Mother works like a charm.
    • Knowledge of healing or medicine 
  • Example: A person may excel in initiating new projects but may struggle with patience, leading to unfinished tasks.

2. Bharani (13°20’ – 26°40’ Aries, Lord: Venus)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Strong willpower and endurance
    • Creative and artistic talents
    • Ability to handle challenges
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Overly stubborn and controlling
    • Prone to intense emotions like jealousy
  • Extra Information:
    • First end of something, then start new things (Sudden Transformation) 
    • Jealousy, cheating and secrecy 
  • Example: An individual might have the strength to overcome personal hardships but could struggle with jealousy in relationships.

3. Krittika (26°40’ Aries – 10°00’ Taurus, Lord: Sun)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Sharp intellect and clarity of thought
    • Strong sense of justice
    • Leadership and authority
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Harsh and critical nature
    • Can be overly aggressive
  • Extra Information:
    • This may cause issues at the house where it is positioned.  
    • Interrupt in-house karkas
    • Hungry for Dignity and Respect
    • Fascination for sharp weapons (Sword, knife, etc.)
  • Example: Someone may have a sharp mind for business but could come across as too harsh with colleagues.

4. Rohini (10°00’ – 23°20’ Taurus, Lord: )

  • Good Impacts:
    • Charming and attractive
    • Creative and nurturing
    • Financial prosperity
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Possessiveness and materialism
    • Prone to vanity and indulgence
  • Example: A person may be successful in creative arts but could struggle with excessive material desires.

5. Mrigashira (23°20’ Taurus – 6°40’ Gemini, Lord: )

  • Good Impacts:
    • Inquisitive and curious mind
    • Skilled in communication
    • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Anxiety and restlessness
    • Indecisiveness
  • Example: An individual might excel in research or journalism but could suffer from overthinking and indecision.

6. Ardra (6°40’ – 20°00’ Gemini)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Strong intellect and analytical ability
    • Resilience and ability to handle adversity
    • Innovative and revolutionary ideas
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Prone to anger and emotional turbulence
    • Destructive tendencies when upset
  • Example: A person might be a brilliant scientist but could struggle with controlling anger in personal life.

7. Punarvasu (20°00’ Gemini – 3°20’ Cancer)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Optimistic and positive outlook
    • Strong moral values and integrity
    • Ability to recover from setbacks
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Overly idealistic and unrealistic
    • Prone to repeating mistakes
  • Example: Someone may be well-loved for their positivity but could struggle with practicality in business.

8. Pushya (3°20’ – 16°40’ Cancer)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Nurturing and caring nature
    • Strong sense of duty and responsibility
    • Success in teaching and counseling
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Overburdened with responsibilities
    • Lack of personal boundaries
  • Example: An individual might excel as a caregiver but may struggle with self-care due to overcommitment to others.

9. Ashlesha (16°40’ – 30°00’ Cancer)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Intuitive and insightful
    • Skilled in strategy and manipulation
    • Ability to heal and transform
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Deceptive and secretive tendencies
    • Prone to power struggles
  • Example: A person might have strong psychic abilities but could use them in manipulative ways if not careful.

10. Magha (0°00’ – 13°20’ Leo)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Strong sense of tradition and heritage
    • Leadership and authority
    • Respect for ancestors
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Arrogance and superiority complex
    • Attachment to power and status
  • Example: An individual might lead a community well but could struggle with letting go of ego and pride.

11. Purva Phalguni (13°20’ – 26°40’ Leo)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Charismatic and attractive personality
    • Pleasure-loving and artistic
    • Success in relationships and partnerships
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Laziness and indulgence
    • Difficulty in handling responsibilities
  • Example: Someone might be very popular socially but could struggle with staying disciplined in work.

12. Uttara Phalguni (26°40’ Leo – 10°00’ Virgo)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Generous and giving nature
    • Strong sense of duty and service
    • Success in long-term partnerships
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Prone to worry and anxiety
    • Difficulty in handling criticism
  • Example: An individual might be dedicated to helping others but could suffer from overthinking and stress.

13. Hasta (10°00’ – 23°20’ Virgo)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Skilled with hands and craftsmanship
    • Intelligent and practical
    • Ability to manifest desires
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Restlessness and nervousness
    • Prone to manipulation
  • Example: A person might excel in creating beautiful art but could struggle with calming their mind.

14. Chitra (23°20’ Virgo – 6°40’ Libra)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Creative and artistic talents
    • Charm and magnetism
    • Success in fashion and design
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Vanity and superficiality
    • Prone to overindulgence
  • Example: An individual might achieve fame in the fashion industry but could struggle with staying grounded.

15. Swati (6°40’ – 20°00’ Libra)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Independent and free-spirited
    • Diplomatic and adaptable
    • Success in communication and trade
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Lack of commitment and inconsistency
    • Prone to indecision
  • Example: Someone might thrive in freelance work but could struggle with making long-term commitments.

16. Vishakha (20°00’ Libra – 3°20’ Scorpio)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Determined and goal-oriented
    • Charismatic leadership
    • Success in achieving long-term goals
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Obsessiveness and jealousy
    • Prone to conflicts and power struggles
  • Example: An individual might succeed in a high-stakes career but could struggle with maintaining healthy relationships.

17. Anuradha (3°20’ – 16°40’ Scorpio)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Loyal and devoted
    • Strong sense of friendship and community
    • Success in teamwork and collaboration
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Prone to suspicion and mistrust
    • Difficulty in forgiving others
  • Example: A person might be an excellent team player but could struggle with letting go of grudges.

18. Jyeshtha (16°40’ – 30°00’ Scorpio)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Powerful and authoritative
    • Protective and responsible
    • Success in leadership roles
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Prone to jealousy and rivalry
    • Tendency to dominate others
  • Example: An individual might lead a successful business but could struggle with being overly controlling.

19. Mula (0°00’ – 13°20’ Sagittarius)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Deep thinker and philosopher
    • Ability to uncover truths
    • Success in research and spirituality
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Prone to destruction and chaos
    • Difficulty in maintaining stability
  • Example: Someone might excel in spiritual pursuits but could face challenges in maintaining a stable personal life.

20. Purva Ashadha (13°20’ – 26°40’ Sagittarius)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Optimistic and ambitious
    • Strong social skills and popularity
    • Success in public life and politics
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Overconfidence and arrogance
    • Prone to overextending themselves
  • Example: An individual might be successful in politics but could struggle with balancing their personal and professional life.

21. Uttara Ashadha (26°40’ Sagittarius – 10°00’ Capricorn)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Disciplined and hardworking
    • Strong sense of justice and morality
    • Success in achieving long-term goals
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Rigid and inflexible
    • Prone to loneliness and isolation
  • Example: A person might achieve great success in their career but could struggle with being too strict or unyielding.

22. Shravana (10°00’ – 23°20’ Capricorn)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Wise and knowledgeable
    • Strong communication skills
    • Success in education and counseling
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Prone to gossip and eavesdropping
    • Difficulty in maintaining focus
  • Example: Someone might be a respected teacher but could struggle with avoiding unnecessary gossip.

23. Dhanishta (23°20’ Capricorn – 6°40’ Aquarius)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Musical and artistic talents
    • Generous and charitable
    • Success in financial ventures
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Prone to greed and materialism
    • Tendency to be overly competitive
  • Example: An individual might be successful in the music industry but could struggle with balancing material desires.

24. Shatabhisha (6°40’ – 20°00’ Aquarius)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Independent and innovative
    • Strong healing abilities
    • Success in unconventional careers
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Prone to isolation and detachment
    • Difficulty in expressing emotions
  • Example: A person might excel in alternative medicine but could struggle with building close relationships.

25. Purva Bhadrapada (20°00’ Aquarius – 3°20’ Pisces)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Deep spiritual insight
    • Strong sense of ethics and integrity
    • Success in spiritual and philosophical pursuits
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Prone to pessimism and negativity
    • Difficulty in handling practical matters
  • Example: Someone might be a respected spiritual teacher but could struggle with everyday responsibilities.

26. Uttara Bhadrapada (3°20’ – 16°40’ Pisces)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Compassionate and empathetic
    • Strong connection to the subconscious mind
    • Success in healing professions
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Prone to escapism and avoidance
    • Difficulty in setting boundaries
  • Example: An individual might be a gifted healer but could struggle with taking on too much of others’ burdens.

27. Revati (16°40’ – 30°00’ Pisces)

  • Good Impacts:
    • Gentle and nurturing nature
    • Strong intuition and psychic abilities
    • Success in artistic and creative fields
  • Bad Impacts:
    • Prone to indecision and lack of direction
    • Difficulty in handling practical matters
  • Example: A person might be an inspired artist but could struggle with managing their daily life effectively.

These Nakshatras provide a comprehensive view of the various influences in a person’s life, helping to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and how they can navigate their life path more effectively.

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