Papakartari Yoga

Understanding Pāpakartari Yoga in Vedic Astrology: Effects, Examples, and Remedies

Understanding Pāpakartari Yoga in Vedic Astrology: Effects, Examples, and Remedies

Astrology offers profound insights into our lives, exploring the impact of celestial influences. One such concept in Vedic astrology is Pāpakartari Yoga, a combination that can indicate restrictions, challenges, or difficulties in certain areas of life. This blog unpacks the meaning, formation, examples, and remedies for Pāpakartari Yoga, with a focus on making it simple and relatable.

What is Pāpakartari Yoga?

Pāpakartari Yoga arises when a planet, house, or the ascendant is hemmed in by malefic planets on either side. The term “Pāpakartari” translates to “scissored by malefics,” where:

Pāpa means sin or malefic.
Kartari means scissors or hemming.
This configuration creates a “trapped” effect, restricting the free expression of the impacted planet or house and leading to challenges in the associated areas of life.

How is Pāpakartari Yoga Formed?

For Pāpakartari Yoga to occur:

The affected planet or house must be flanked by malefic planets in the immediate preceding and following houses.

Malefic planets include:

Saturn (Shani): Brings delays, hardships, and responsibilities.
Mars (Mangal): Indicates aggression, conflict, or accidents.
Rahu (North Node): Causes illusions, obsession, and confusion.
Ketu (South Node): Represents detachment, losses, and isolation.
Sun (depending on context) may also act as a mild malefic.

Examples of Pāpakartari Yoga

Example 1: Moon in the 6th House
Ketu is in the 5th house.
Mars is in the 7th house.
The Moon in the 6th house is trapped between Ketu and Mars.
Effect: Emotional instability, stress, and challenges related to health or enemies (6th house significations).

Example 2: Ascendant Hemmed by Malefics
Saturn is in the 12th house.
Rahu is in the 2nd house.
The ascendant (Lagna) is in the 1st house, flanked by Saturn and Rahu.
Effect: Difficulty in self-expression, identity crises, and challenges in both personal and financial areas (2nd house).

Example 3: No Pāpakartari Yoga
Ketu in the 4th house.
Moon in the 6th house.
Mars in the 8th house.
The Moon is not directly hemmed as Ketu and Mars are not in adjacent houses.
Conclusion: While the Moon feels indirect malefic influence, Pāpakartari Yoga is not formed because there is no immediate hemming.

Effects of Pāpakartari Yoga

The impact of Pāpakartari Yoga depends on:

The Affected Planet or House:

Moon: Emotional challenges, mental stress.
Ascendant: Personality restrictions, health issues.
10th House: Career and public image difficulties.

Strength of Malefics:
Strong malefics intensify challenges.
Weak malefics may lessen the negative impact.

Support from Benefics:
The presence of benefic planets (e.g., Jupiter, Venus) can neutralize or mitigate the effects.
How to Identify Pāpakartari Yoga in a Birth Chart
Locate the planet, house, or ascendant in question.
Check the immediate preceding and immediate following houses.
If both are occupied by malefics, the Yoga is formed.
Evaluate the aspects, conjunctions, and overall planetary strength for a complete analysis.


Pāpakartari Yoga in Vedic astrology serves as a reminder of life’s challenges and how to navigate them. By understanding its formation and effects, and applying remedies, one can mitigate its impact and turn obstacles into opportunities for growth. If you suspect this Yoga in your chart, consult a trusted astrologer for detailed guidance.


Q1: Can benefic planets cancel Pāpakartari Yoga?

Yes, the influence of benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus can reduce or neutralize the negative effects of Pāpakartari Yoga.

Q2: Does Pāpakartari Yoga always create hardships?

Not always. Its impact depends on the strength of malefic planets and the support from benefic aspects.

Q3: Is Pāpakartari Yoga permanent?

While its effects are present in the birth chart, they can be mitigated through remedies and awareness.

Looking for more insights into Vedic astrology? Explore our blog for expert guidance on planetary yogas, remedies, and more!


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